Tuesday 12 October 2010


BRING BACK CAPITAL PUNISHMENT? CORPORAL - CERTAINLY! No respect for one's fellow man/woman now means where words and negotiation have failed with the crime committer, however small the offence, there are now required stronger measures. A hefty whack on the buttocks for the youthful miscreant and other suitable measures for the litterbug, yob, hooded illiterati, etc and a bloody good neck throttle for the Drug Pusher/Rapist/Paedophile/Terrorist/Cop Killer/Traitor and murderous inciter, would excise many of our present problems in this area; not only when the public are further endangered when the law breakers and undesirables are released from a mild penal servitude, but help us all financially too - especially with those serving long time. If you all believe in an after life then these unwanted specimens can use the next one to improve upon themselves! Debate this please and put me wise...YOU may be a supporter of the nanny state and the psychologist's couch...so advise me how I can better my views regarding my thoughts on these 'warts on the face of humanity' being members of our so-called modern day society. Were they ever born with a conscience?

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