Saturday 31 July 2010


David Cameron's new approach towards venting opinion and putting his view across to the diplomatic world is both refreshing and welcomed. It really is about time we spoke in plain English exactly what we think of the attitudes taken by Israel and Pakistan. Times are changing from watercress sandwiches and polished rhetoric. Both have relied on western backing - financially and otherwise - and then abused by deceitful means, the power that this support has armed them with. The Israel state was founded on terrorism - remember the Stern gang and St David's Hotel as examples? Where would they be now without American financial help? Who's calling the kettle black re Gaza,etc? Pakistan have been double crossing the civilised western world for years - agreeing with us face to face and then snidely, behind their backs, supporting the Taliban and God knows who else. What confidence does this give British and Allied forces who are fighting in Afghanistan (as well as a corrupt Afghan government)? So David Cameron - you continue in this fashion, and if it means that that this is 'shooting from the hip diplomacy' as one national newspaper referred to it as - then carry on! We need to shake the diplomatic world up from its years of lethergy.

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